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Cookie Policy

Last Revised: 20.09.2022

As Crs Soft Software services Corp. (Crs Soft), we use cookies, pixel tags ("pixels") and local storage technologies to facilitate the use of our website and to personalize the use of our website. We want this page to help you understand why these technologies are used and how to control or delete them if you prefer.

What is a cookie?


Almost all companies that offer products or services to their customers through their websites use cookies on these websites. We also use cookies to provide you with a better, faster and safer shopping experience and to improve our products and services in line with your demands and needs. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device (for example, computer or mobile phone) when you visit a website. Cookies may be stored on your device through your browser during your first visit to a website. When you visit the same site again with the same device, your browser checks whether there is a cookie stored on your device for the site. If there is a record, it transmits the data in the record to the website you are visiting. In this way, the website understands that you have visited the site before and determines the content to be delivered to you accordingly.


Why Are Cookies Used?


Some cookies enable the website to remember the preferences you used in your previous visits, allowing your next visits to offer a much more user-friendly and personalized experience.


Controlling and Deleting Cookies


To change your preferences for the use of cookies or to block or delete cookies, simply change your browser settings. Many browsers give you the option to accept or reject cookies, to only accept certain types of cookies, or to be alerted by the browser when a website requests to store cookies on your device so you can control cookies. It is also possible to delete cookies previously saved in your browser. The process of controlling or deleting cookies may vary depending on the browser you use.


Storage Time


Cookies are stored for different periods of time:


Session Cookies: Session Cookies are only stored during your visit to our website, so Cookies are used during your current visit to one of our websites or a browser session.


Persistent Cookies: Persistent Cookies are stored on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device beyond our visits to our website or a browser session. The next time you visit our website, it is possible for us to recognize you and facilitate your use of our website.

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